Craig Oatley (オタリ クレイグ)

Friday, 20 November 2009

Wednesday, 19 August 2009

Summer, summer, summer time...

What's this then? Blogger? Can't remember what this does, but I'll give it a go...

It's been ages since my last post, so I thought I'd write something and maybe someone, somewhere will read it and take interest. :) Actually, I can't really think of anything interesting to say... hmm...

Ooh, I got a job, that's interesting. ;) I'll be working in a home store, on the "Rugs and Wicker" department. Not bad for a part-time job, seems awfully difficult to get jobs these days so I'm just grateful to have it really.

The weather was nice today, shame it's almost over. I bet it won't be sunny tomorrow. :(

Might go and cook some pasta for dinner, though it seems too hot to eat hot food. Oh well, we don't have any salad in the house, so there's not much I can do.

I've just realised how personal this blog post is compared to my older ones, maybe it's a new style of blogging, just random trivial stuff. :)

Here's something I found funny to make you larff, it had me in stitches the first time I saw it. ;)

P.S. I've just noticed how many smilies I use these days, must be Facebook's fault. Yeah, let's blame it on Facebook...

...and leave comments please! I enjoy reading them. :)

Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Tao Chen and Zane Chen - Kitchen Scene


Tao Chen is cooking an evening meal for himself and Zane, his son.

The kitchen is modern and large. Utensils and cooking equipment are made of stainless steel; they all look brand new. Everything in the kitchen looks brand new. The kitchen is large and square, with a small, circular table in the middle of the room.

Tao Chen walks towards the kitchen door and he shouts in the direction of the stairs.

Zane, get down here. Food is ready.

There is no reply from Zane.
Tao notices a quiet drumbeat that seems to be getting louder. The sound is coming from Zane’s room. Tao is furious at the thought of being ignored by Zane; he shouts in the direction of the stairs once more, louder this time.

Zane! I won’t tell you again. Get down here or I will not allow you to eat for the rest of the day.

Heavy footsteps can be heard from Zane’s room as he approaches the door, turns the handle, and throws open the door.

Zane shouts back to Tao.

I’m busy; give me two minutes.

Fine. Hurry up though; I didn’t cook this food for nothing.

A couple of minutes pass. Tao has returned to the kitchen and is already eating at the table.
Zane enters the room. Tao sighs.

(Sighs) Finally. Your food is over there on the worktop.

Tao points his finger unwillinglyat the only plate left on the kitchen counter.

Tao (cont.):
It’s probably too cold for you now.

Zane picks up the plate and takes a seat at the table. He folds his arms and picks at the food, slowly cutting out small pieces.

Tao looks at Zane’s plate with disapproval, but does not say anything.

Zane finishes the last of his food unenthusiastically, and pushes the plate into the centre of the table. Without saying a word, he stands up and leaves the kitchen, returning to his room.

As Zane’s bedroom door slams shut, Tao puts his head in his hands and mutters to himself.

What did I do wrong?


Sunday, 7 June 2009

The story from the five-card shuffle

Breaking news! We have just received reports that the creature has reached Port Orford, Oregon and is currently heading northwards along Route 101. The creature appears to be following traffic, yet it hasn't actually attacked any vehicles so far. Stay with us as we keep you updated on this bizarre story.

If you have only just joined us, you're in time for a round-up of today's top story. A giant creature is rampaging through the south western States of our great country, causing thousands of dollars worth of damage with every step. If you have been affected financially by this despicable creature, you can only pray that your insurance company covers it.

We have received many emails and phonecalls asking for more information about the creature and it's origins. We don't know a lot about the creature at the moment, but experts suspect that the creature originated somewhere in the Mojave Desert. An early eye-witness report this morning suggests that the experts are correct. A small family on their way to a McDonalds restaurant in Barstow, California, saw the creature in the distance heading west across the desert as they passed. They were lucky not to cross paths with the creature, who has already caused millions of dollars worth of damage. The area worst affected by the creature is Los Angeles, which has seen the complete destruction of landmarks such as the Getty Centre, The County Museum of Art, and the nearby Tar Pits of La Brea and the museum associated with it.

The creature itself appears to be a Chuckwalla, a common lizard found in southern US states. The creature stands at around 10 metres tall and it's length is estimated at 50 metres. We have been assured by experts that this creature is a herbivore and is usually scared of humans, yet in this case, the creature probably thinks of us humans as looking like ants. All I can suggest is to stay away from those huge feet it has! We are currently awaiting instructions from the Government, so stay with us; you'll hear more as soon as we do.

Hope you enjoyed that. ^_^

Here are the cards that I picked:
  • Getty Centre
  • La Brea Tar Pits
  • McDonalds
  • Mojave Desert
  • 101 Pacific Coast Highway

Thursday, 4 June 2009

Black Hole Sun.... Won't You Come....

.... and wash away the rain....

Kelly's version was a little bit different, but we won't go into that right now.

Games Evening was interesting yesterday; it was probably the most fun I've had at any Games Evening so far.

Only 5 people attended in total and this meant we got bored of the Rock Band instruments a little faster than usual. This was definitely a good thing though since I had a go on drums, Callum had a go on guitar for once, and EVERYONE had a go at singing. Nathan gave an energetic performance singing "Are you gonna' be my girl" by Jet. You could probably imagine how fun that was.

Kelly had a go on drums and guitar; the drums collapsed half-way through a song at one point which triggered a "Yukiko-style" laughing fit. [If you don't know what that is, play Persona 4 ;) ]

Needless to say, it would great if more people showed up to share the fun. I know there is an assignment due in tomorrow for everyone in GS8, but if time was managed a little better you could have gone to Games Evening AND written the assignment. I only say it because I missed you all. :P