Craig Oatley (オタリ クレイグ)

Sunday, 14 December 2008

Podcast, People and Pro Evo (Now with Pictures)

I've had quite a few busy days recently.

Let's start with "Podcast", now officially called "Breaking the Rules". It's up now on the Breaking the Rules blog which is still in construction I might add. Check it out, it's available to stream or download. There are a few volume issues I need to work on, but it's only my first try at editing really. :P

"People". Playstation Home was released last week, and I had a go. Epic it was. To explain, basically I made my character and then I began wandering around "Home Square" with a friend from my friends list "TheIronEagle", and we stumbled upon some people dancing on the bridge over the pond. So we joined in. I started chatting to a couple of people, and we decided to stay on the bridge and keep dancing to get in everyone's way. This left four of us dancing on the bridge, and "TheIronEagle" put on some music through his headset for us to dance to. Eventually, some seven year old walked over and started calling us gay and emo?! We argued with him and told him to go away, but he persisted. So while he had gone away for a few minutes, my newly formed "Bridge Dance Group" and I formulated a plan. Follow him around everywhere. So we did. He was gone within 5 minutes and we celebrated. We then went everywhere as a group (still talking about Home XD) and spread the dance to everyone. We also encouraged people to line up and dance with us. Basically we started dancing in a single file line, and then we'd ask other people to join, so we'd have a pretty big line of people dancing. Here are some pictures, I'm the one with messy long hair and the white jumper.

That's me in the middle with two of the guys from my "Dance Group" XD.

This is the line that we made, everyone was "body popping".

That's enough of Home. Let's move on to Pro Evo. I bought the new edition (2009) on Friday and I haven't really had the chance to go on it, but I had a few matches against a friend called Aarron, and I won one of my games with the legendary South Korean team. They're legendary because Aarron and I usually play Exhibition Mode and click random to choose a team for us. Over the last couple of years it has chosen South Korea for me, who I usually win with because all the players are amazing at headers for some reason. They're just one of those teams that you can't beat unless you really focus and put your mind to it. Or pick Brazil. That has worked on previous Pro Evo games, but that's not the idea, it's supposed to be random teams.

Anyway, thanks for reading this massive post, don't forget to check out the podcast, it's a bit sketchy but definitely worth a listen. :D

Wednesday, 10 December 2008

How to survive your first hour in Home (and dodge dancing sex pests)

A beta test veteran takes you through the dos and don'ts of Sony's bizarre online community."

"As you may have read, Sony's long-awaited 3D online community, Home, launches worldwide tomorrow night, December 11th. I've been on the beta trial for a number of weeks - along with 10,000 other randomly-selected PSN users - and here's a glimpse of what to expect, with some clear dos and don'ts gleaned from hard-learned experience.
Home is a virtual world in which people create avatars and wander around 'interacting' with each other. Sounds harmless, right? Well, it's not. In fact, it's one of the strangest places I've ever been - virtual or otherwise"

"Your first hour in Home"...

Read the rest of the article after the jump: PSM3 Blog

To get more information about "Home", click here: Chris' Blog

Monday, 8 December 2008

I'm Back

I've been away for a week, and I missed posting on the blog, there are so many things I want to document.

Voldo. End of.

But seriously, "After-Hours Gaming" as it shall now be known, is great. I recommend that everyone go and have a good time. It was my first time last Thursday and it was really good, even though I'm rubbish at fighting games. We played Halo anyway. Nate already listed all of the interesting stuff that happened. :D Anime Club is great too. Hi Bob, if you are reading this, I thought you said you wanted to get into anime?! There's no better place to start than Anime Club. Studio Ghibli films are some of my favourites.

What else has been happening? I got my own brand new desktop computer, it's a change for the better when compared with using a family computer. I'd rather not share because my brother is on iTunes all the time at weekends.

I'm pretty sure I had loads to talk about but I've forgotten.

By the way, "Gaming Video of the Week" will not be posted anymore, I'm not co-ordinated enough to keep up to date. I'll just post a video every now and again. Or you could check out my Youtube user page.

The podcast is on, I still don't know what to call it. I'll have to discuss it tomorrow. If you want to get involved, let me know.

Oh, I remember now, I was going to mention last week's Death Burger Challenge. It was Beardo's turn and he managed to achieve a time of 4:33! An improvement on Nate's time of 5:15. The battle is on as a new contender steps up, DogSuit. Everyone shall have a nickname! BWAHAHAHA